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Compost Windrow Care by Global Repair
Global Repair compost equipment update March 28/2025

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Turning compost times may be determined by temperature of the windrow.  A 4' probe thermometer is provided by Global Repair with the purchase of a Global Repair Sittler compost windrow turner or may be purchased from us. Please go to our Compost Accessory page for details.

Global Repair strongly recommends using a thermometer with readings from 0 degrees to 200 degrees F to monitor compost piles or compost windrows.Compost temperature should be taken frequently. In the first week most temperature spikes occur. During this period Globlal Repair advises that you take compost temperatures at least twice daily. Temperatures can be recorded in the Global Repair Compost Manager App monitoring module. The app notifies you when the temperature has peaked and the compost requires turning. the Global Repair Compost Manager App creates a graph as temperature data is entered.

With proper formulation, within the first few days you will notice a steady rise in temperature in a new compost pile as the microbes reproduce and the process of breakdown accelerates. If the material is too wet, the temperature may remain quite cool and constant. Wet material can be dried by turning more frequently until the temperature begins moving up. However, compost that has over 60 % moisture is usually too wet to turn and will smear. Proper formulation with wet and dry ingredients, correct compost C:N ratio and the use of global Repair compost fleece covers helps you control the moisture content of the compost. For areas that receive excess rain, or large operations, open ended buildings may be required.

To learn more please see our Global Repair Compost Manager App and Global Repair Compost Online Training Course

Contact Global Repair
1-866-271-0719, 1-416-686-3690

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