Compost Bagger, Compost Screener Bagger Combo
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Bagger Combo
Experience your versatile solution for low cost compost screening and bagging with the Global Repair Compost Screener Bagger Combo. Global Repair Compost Screener Bagger Combo conveniently screens and bags finished compost, dry potting soil mixes, worm castings, peat & minerals, in one combined easy operation. Global Repair Compost Screener Bagger Combo screens out unwanted inorganic material from compost such as plastic utensils, wine corks etc from your compost and bags your product ready for market. Sittler Global Repair Compost Screener Bagger Combo * Tamis Pour Trommel Sittler/Ensachage Combo Although stationary, the portable compost screener, compost bagger and compost conveyor can be easily moved with a forklift. The mobile compost combo is adjustable for equipment position assembly allowing for site friendly variation to suit your needs. The compost conveyor can be moved to either side of the bagger or screener with ease as required. Continuous feed hopper provides maximum flow-through efficiency. The screen is capable of handling up to 50 cubic yards per hour with bagging potential of up to 200 bags per hour. 1-3 man continuous operation, depending on volume requirements, minimizes labour costs. Optional screen size of ¼ or ½ inch with other sizes available to suit your needs. Ideal for small to medium operations with a great price to match. Full-length brush cleans screen of debris as it rotates. Collection chute directly under screen feeds the screened material onto the conveyor and up into the bagger hopper. Mechanically driven motorized models are powered by a Kohler gas or electric engine This easy to operate, low maintenance, user friendly, screener, bagger and conveyor combo comes with 1 year warranty.
Bag Compost, bag soil mix, bag potting soil, bag peat, bag worm castings, bag lime, bag minerals, with a Sittler compost bagger. The Sittler bagger is the ideal bagging machine for bagging soil amendments. Screen and bag with the Sittler portable screening bagging combo. The Sittler Compost Bagger and the Sittler Compost Screener Bagger Combo is available through Global Repair.
Global Repair