Global Repair
Compost Equipment
by Sittler


Global Warming
Global Repair compost
equipment update March 28/2025
Global Repair
has developed natural low tech solutions that help resolve common problems such as
runoff contamination, erosion, compaction, lack of oxygen
in soil, irrigation demands, pathogens, mould,
parasites, etc. Global Repair
is dedicated
to finding practical, sustainable solutions. We offer the essential keys that emulate nature for cost
effective soil remediation and ecological restoration.

Frogs and other creatures are protected and studied in our
forest/wetland research location.
Todays Agricultural Concerns. An alarming percent of conventional fertilizers and pesticides
used enter the aquifers during rainfall. Most pesticides applied have not been tested for
long-term effects on humans, produce or the environment.
Organic residuals from liquid and raw manure have undigested
proteins which possess detrimental pathogens and toxins. When manure has not been
sufficiently composted, it leaches ammonia, nitrates and other anaerobic volatile
compounds which contribute to air and water pollution through run-off into the ecosystem.
Many rivers and lakes in North America are accumulating
unhealthy residuals from these and other sources. As a result this form of pollution contributes to
devastation of the ecology and global warming.
Solutions. Its clearly evident when we examine geological history that the
elements give foundational support to soil life and bio-diversity.
Minerals act as parent material for soil formation. When microorganisms
interact they create a bio-diversity that acts
as natures immune system. Trace elements, amino acids and enzymes contribute an
essential role for immunity in plant and animal metabolism.
Global Repair utilizing this natural technology, has
promoted microbial diversity in soil through the
applications of compost and developed mineral
blends from Pre-Cambrian deposits which support
and encourage aerobic activity. These elements, when applied with
quality compost initiate symbiotic soil processes for growth potential of
organisms, root systems, beneficial bacteria,
arthropods, nematodes and fungi whose
survival partially depends on trace elements.
Our Compost
Rock Flour_TM
is specifically designed for compost and beneficial for fast, effective,
safe composting. It can be easily added to storage manure piles
accumulating to reduce odours and GHG emissions, stored municipal waste or
directly to windrows. Minerals help
significantly reduce odors, retain nutrients and maximize use of your recycled waste
adding lasting value to your compost.
The Web of Life. Mineral diversity supports the web of life. Our products stimulate
biocatalysts and energizers which interact with the ecosystem.
We provide tools to rebuild soil for sustainable food
Soil is rejuvenated with microbial diversity
through the production and application of quality compost.
Minerals and organic matter are consumed by helpful microorganisms, where
they are digested, processed and made more
available for plants. Helpful fungi and bacteria, required to
digest and create structure in
a healthy biomass, need minerals and trace elements for their survival.
Remineralization applied with quality compost encourages the slow release of nitrogen, beneficial carbon, hormones, polymers,
carbohydrates, gasses and water into the soil. This process is pivotal for the web of
life according to our observations.
Global Repair
Sittler manufacturing has been designing and building
machinery for over 35 years. Quality, affordable craftsmanship with innovative design.
To order, or
for more information please email: sales@globalrepair.ca,
or call 1-866-271-0719, 1-416-686-3690,
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equipment, Global Repair compost turner,
Global Repair compost
Global Repair
compost spreader,
Global Repair
compost bagger,
Global Repair
compost water wagon,
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