Global Repair
Empirical Evidence
Global Repair compost
equipment update March 28/2025
For 20 years, in a
Global Repair research and development forest and wetland area we protect, we have
observed natural processes that contribute to soil formation and plant

Purple Ontario trilliums grow
wild at the entrance to the Global Repair R & D facility.

Fungi cover a fallen chestnut
tree uprooted from the shallow soil depth during a gusty storm.
Nature's Wood Chipper the Woodpecker from
Global Repair.
Rock surfaces are broken down by microbes and other natural phenomena.
Organic material collects in crevices in the rocks.
Microbes convert the organic matter to humus.

Plants start to appear in the crevices where the organic matter has
accumulated. Microbes cluster around the roots zone of
plants forming a symbiotic relationship. Plants excrete sugars and
proteins and in return receive nutrients.The plant growth also contributes further to the breakdown of
the parent rock material.
Our Global Repair forest floor is carpeted year round with
layers of slow decomposing leaves that protect the delicate microbial
growth below the surface. Unwanted UV light which can be harmful to soil
microbes is naturally kept away. As a result of this
natural layering structure, that allows natural air flow, aerobic conditions occur, causing microbes to flourish.
This creates a natural sweet aroma that is pleasant and invigorating. The
ground is thick and fibrous
and drains efficiently due to the natural biomass absorption of precipitation.
Although the soil depth on top of rock formation is
less than 1 foot deep heavy rain is quickly absorbed. These
beneficial aspects are part of the Natural Carbon Cycle which filters the air and water.

Fungi flourish in most forests. Fungi can be
very beneficial for plants as they can act as root extensions and help
plants attain nutrients.

Fungi disappear soon after forested areas are
cleared. In this natural setting beavers have harvested wood for their
dams. As the majority of the large limbs are left to naturally decompose
they encourage fungal production within the forest and add fibre and many
other nutrients back to the forest.

Fungi soon start digesting a stump left by

Fungi can be restored to farmland soil by
paying special attention to the compost process and incorporating wood and
other materials to the compost formula, indicating that eco-regeneration is a reality within
everyones grasp.

Cattle happily graze on fields
immediately after they are treated with compost and minerals.
Out in the Fields
Adding Global Repair compost and minerals induces significant yields and substantially
reduces input costs. Many of our clients no longer see the need for
additional nutrients when using quality compost. Minerals may be added to
the compost with our specially formulated Compost Rock Flour
TM, which also
stimulates the compost natural beneficial microbes. Bushels per acre
have increased, crops are more resilient and produce quality improves.
Forages treated with our compost provide extended
grazing and more complete protein. Animals will also graze in areas recently
treated with compost as opposed to manure. As a
result of the moisture retention in the soil from compost applications,
there is improved root structure, drought resistance and better grazing
with less barren areas.
Global Repair
Sittler manufacturing has been designing and building farm
machinery for over 35 years. Quality, affordable craftsmanship with innovative design.
To order, or
for more information please email: sales@globalrepair.ca,
or call 1-866-271-0719, 1-416-686-3690,
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Global Repair compost
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compost spreader,
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