Compost Windrow
Compost Windrow
Turners Standard nozzle watering system with a removable, folding tow-bar for a water wagon is available for model Global-Repair 507 compost turner, Global-Repair 509 compost turner, our new Global-Repair 12 compost turner and our ultimate performance gGobal Repair 1014 compost turner. Other features include: side scrapers that keep the form of the windrow; a swing cylinder to position the tractor close to the windrow; and a folding fleece roller on top of the machine that makes turning the compost and covering the windrow a one-person, one-step operation. Global Repair Sittler offers 4 compost turner sizes for 7ft, 9ft, 12ft & 14ft wide compost windrows. Technical support, includes Global Repair Compost Manager App for recipe database calculations and online training. All global Repair Sittler compost machines come with one year warranty. Composting waste is much more efficient when the compost windrow is allowed to breathe. Turning outside or in an open ended building allows for more air exposure.The waste must be exposed to sufficient oxygen in order to increase aerobic microbial activity. Turning the windrow stimulates micro organisms which break down coarse organic matter. It is important that the windrow is turned frequently and efficiently. Compost turning times will be determined through monitoring. Temperatures of the compost windrow are taken with a complimentary thermometer probe. Usually more turns are required initially for the proper compost mixing and to activate the compost breakdown process. After the first two weeks when the compost windrow has reached it's maximum temperature less turning will be required. In total about 5-12 turns may be required over the 6-10 week compost cycle depending on what you are composting. If managed properly and turned sufficiently at appropriate times, rich, quality compost can be ready in as little as 6 weeks. Efficient composting gives you the tools you need to grow more abundant, high quality produce and have a safer healthier environment. Global-Repair Sittler compost
Turners Let's get started. Are you ready to compost?
Global Repair Compost equipment, compost windrow turner, compost feedlot manure , compost dairy manure, compost broiler manure, compost layer manure, manure handling, compost animal waste, compost bio solids, organic waste recycling, bio-remediation, landfill diversion, crop residuals, Sittler, Global Repair, Global-Repair. Sittler manufacturing has been designing and building farm machinery for over 35 years. Quality, affordable craftsmanship with innovative design. To order, or for more information please email: sales@globalrepair.ca, or call 1-866-271-0719, 1-416-686-3690, This site is copyright protected and may not be reproduced in whole or part, without written consent from the Global Repair webmaster. Copyright © 1996-2025 Global Repair LTD, Global Repair Compost equipment, Global Repair compost turner, Global Repair compost screener, Global Repair compost spreader, Global Repair compost bagger, Global Repair compost water wagon, global-repair, globalrepair