Global Repair
Compost Equipment
by Sittler


Global Repair Compost Equipment News and Events
Global Repair compost
equipment update Feb 9/2025

New Global-Repair Transport Compost Turner 1014
by Sittler.

Introducing the new Global Repair Transportable Compost Turner 1014
by Sittler. Now you can easily turn compost on multiple locations
with the same compost turner.
The Global-Repair Transport
Compost Turner is
designed for high volume organics recycling, landfill diversion and
Learn More
Global Repair Compost Turners, Global Repair Compost Screeners, Global
Repair Compost Baggers, Global Repair Inoculating Water
Wagons, Global Repair Compost Conveyors and Global Repair
Compost Spreaders.

Global Repair Sittler Compost
Turner 509 shown above
Global Repair suggestions for
preparing your compost to spread with your Global Repair Compost Turner.
Compost left outdoors over the winter can take on moisture making it a
challenge to spread. The excess moisture can reduce the aerobic microbial
life's access to oxygen. The compost will most likely clump and not spread
evenly. Leaving it in an overly moist windrow under these conditions can
alter the microbial life present. Trying to spread it as is can be more than
a challenge and sometimes impossible so why frustrate yourself and waste
time? Turning the compost prior to spreading will introduce oxygen
encouraging new aerobic life into your compost windrow. You may have to do
it several times. You may also have to wait until the compost has had some
sun exposure to reduce the moisture level enough to turn it.
Online Compost Training/Management/Tracking App
About Global Repair
Global Repair is a company dedicated to sustainable development with
a focus on client empowerment through awareness and education. All over the
world in modern society, wherever people exist, there appears to be
accumulating waste. We have imbalances with carbon and other gases in our
atmosphere. Many of our rivers and lakes have high contamination
levels. The agricultural approaches we have pursued for the last 50+ years have
contributed to these problems. There is very little understanding as to what
soil actually is, the complexities of the micro life involved and how it
We believe food security and the struggle for resources to be related to the
cause of many of the worlds problems today and will probably be the cause
of many more in the future. There is a growing awareness of the relationship
between food, contamination, health and behavior.
We pursue Sustainability because we believe in humanity. It is part of our
nature and the essence of commerce to share prosperity. We all have a
connection to earth. We all need food, clean water and air to breathe. They
are foundations for survival and civilization. When we help others achieve
these necessities to a greater degree there is a connection and a
satisfaction in knowing we have contributed to improving life through
Natural approaches to agriculture can bring us closer to harmonious
relationships with each other and our planet and could contribute far more
than we realize to global sustainability.
it isn't sold by Global Repair we haven't authorized it and do not endorse
it. Preserve the planet avoid green-washing.
Michael Morris, CEO Global Repair Ltd

So What's new with the Global Repair Sittler 1014?
We just can't stop improving. With a larger diameter drum,
and a fortified drive wheel this new improved rugged beast is ready to turn
compost in the most stubborn wet conditions. With changes in weather
patterns and intensified precipitation every compost operator wants to get
that product moving in a soggy wet spring or fall. The Global Repair Sittler 1014 is tough
and durable and won't let you down when the going gets rough. With
additional safety flaps to protect from projectiles you're ready to roll.
All machines come with a one year warranty.
Past Events
Trade Show Cancelled Due to Covid
Annual Guelph Organic Conference Guelph, ON, Jan/2021

The new
Global Repair Sittler
512 Windrow Turner
Life in the Soil

Dr. Elaine Ingham presented her
seminar "Life in the Soil" in Milverton, On, Wed Jan 21/2015. The seminar
focused on plant requirements, nutrient exchange and the important role microbes
play in our soil/food production. Making and using quality compost, compost tea
and compost extract are the most effective ways to replenish soil life and
benefit plant health.
Global Repair Compost
Online Management Services.
Global Repair Sittler Introduces Dual Flap Guard
Global Repair
Sittler Inoculating Water Wagon

Above, inoculating compost with the
Global Repair Sittler 1014
Turner and Water Wagon at the Rodale Institute.
The Water Wagon connects to the Sittler Water Injection System on the
compost turner. posted Oct. 2/2013
Elaine Ingham, founder of Soil Foodweb explained the importance of having
all of the right microbes present at the start of the compost cycle in order
for the compost to decompose properly.
When ingredients in the windrow have been exposed to pesticides or other
chemical concentrations or if GM crop by products are used microbial
presence may be inhibited. Sometimes this can slow the heating process. By
inoculating we have some type of assurance that all of the right microbes
will be present.
Maintaining heat at 131 degrees F for 10-15 days breaks down pesticides,
antibiotics and binds heavy metals. Maximum heat should not exceed 149
degrees F.

Above, microbes and nutrients can be extracted directly in the inoculating
Microbes and nutrients can be extracted directly in the inoculating tank and
applied to the windrow with the Sittler Water Injection unit that is
standard on all of the Sittler turner models. Finished compost that has been
evaluated for beneficial microbial presence is placed in a mesh bag and
dunked into the water in the inoculating tank. The bag is gently massaged so
the microbes, humic acids and other nutrients are released into the solution
The compost needs to be inoculated as the windrow is turned. Compost
particles experience maximum exposure during the aeration process with
microbes and nutrients being evenly distributed into the windrow. Testing
for moisture in the windrow showed consistent readings after inoculation.
Sour piles or contaminated windrows may also be remediated with the Sittler
water wagon and injection system.
Repair/Rodale Institute Form Strategic Alliance, 2011

Sittler 1014 turns
compost at the Rodale Institute. photo courtesy
Rodale institute
Global Repair
Ltd is pleased to announce that we have formed a strategic alliance with the
Rodale Institute and their newly appointed Chief Scientist Dr. Elaine Ingham,
founder of Soil Foodweb.
The Rodale Institute has chosen the Sittler 1014 windrow turner, over all
other brands, to do all of their composting, R&D, teaching and training. We
are very excited to be a part of this powerful collaboration and the
opportunity to pursue Research & Development projects together.
Dr. Ingham is world renowned for her work as a leading soil microbiologist
and an authority on compost. She has taught thousands of individuals and
companies how to improve their compost quality, growing methods and results.
Her contribution to the science of compost is remarkable. She is a
motivated, captivating speaker and a very efficient, comprehensible teacher.
Dr. Ingham is now offering compost courses and will be setting up a full
Soil Foodweb lab for soil and compost testing.
Founded in 1947, the Rodale Institute has earned a reputation as a trusted
authoritative source of knowledge on soil health, compost and natural
growing methods. Its a pleasure to work with Executive Director, Coach Mark
Smallwood and all of the talented people at the Rodale Institute. Were very
pleased with the progress weve made and confident about future
accomplishments with Rodale.
Although we always welcome all new business and learning opportunities,
situations like this rarely occur. Were absolutely delighted to be able to
work with the brightest, most experienced in their field and be a part of
leading edge discoveries. The commercial compost sector pays little
attention to microbiology and valuable resources are wasted as a result.
Although we have made progress in the last 20 -30 years with our knowledge
of compost, there is much more to discover. If we are going to meet the
growing demand for food with our increasing population and degradation to
our farmland, we need to improve our soils and, at the same time, sequester
carbon by improving the quality of compost we make and apply.
more information on Dr. Ingham please visit

2006 Valerie Moen CFO Global
Repair Ltd, Susan Antler founder CCC, Michael Morris CEO Global Repair Ltd , Dr. Ingham
Founder SFW
Building A Windrow (Booklet, now available online),
A Step by Step Instruction
Process for Effective Composting
Explains a step by step process with clear pictures of each step and
clear instructions so you can end up with a finished quality product
your crops and customers will appreciate. Now available, to order email
sales@globalrepair.ca, or call 1-866-271-0719, 1-416-686-3690,
fax 1-416-686-1744

The new Sittler 512
demonstrated at COFS 2012.
Wins Award with Sittler Turner
the 33rd Annual Water Environment Association of Ontario (WEAO)
Symposium in April, the Belle River-Maidstone Pollution Control Plant,
part of Ontario Clean Water Agency in southern Ontario, was presented
with an award for the results obtained by using a Sittler 512 compost
windrow turner.
Some of the concerns which caused Belle River to purchase the windrow
turner were: The need to increase dry matter in biosolids for hauling
and land application - increased from 18% to 54% making the finished
product cleaner and easier to haul and much more acceptable for
spreading. The plant's 10 acre site location is in the midst of
residential areas, industrial and school zones so odor complaints were a
concern. Liquid storage and application were not viable options. By
making windrows of the biosolids which are then turned with the Sittler
turner and efficiently composted, odor is eliminated.
The time it was taking to turn with a back hoe has been reduced by 400%
with the Sittler turner. Reduced volume and weight of biosolids has
resulted in cost reductions in hauling fees.
Some of the other reasons farmers are more accepting of this compost is
that the weed seeds, tomato seeds and other vegetation have been
destroyed in this composting process. The product can be spread evenly
with a spinner-type spreader which gives up to a 40-ft even spread
pattern with very little compaction by equipment vs using a manure-type
spreader with a 10-ft uneven spread pattern. The dry biosolids are
easier to incorporate into the soil than the inconsistent wet solids.
Environmental risks are lower with the stabilized biosolids and public
acceptance has increased with the neat appearance and lack of odor from
the site. Belle River will be meeting with local farmers this year with
the expectation of building up the demand for their composted biosolids.
Global Repair Archives, Past Events
Life Beneath Our Boots: Biological Systems
for Healthy Soils and Crops
Annual Guelph Organic Conference Guelph, ON, Jan
Annual Guelph Organic Conference Guelph, ON, Jan
Annual Guelph Organic Conference Guelph, ON, Jan
Annual Guelph Organic Conference Guelph, ON, Jan
Annual Guelph Organic Conference Guelph, ON, Jan
31- Feb 1, 2015
Ottawa Valley Farm Show 2014 -March
11, 12 &13, 2014,
ON Canada, www.ottawafarmshow.com
Booth 2128
33nd Annual Guelph Organic Conference
Guelph, ON Feb 1-2, 2014
Outdoor Farm Show 2013 -Sept
10-12, 2013,
Woodstock ON Canada,
Ottawa Valley Farm Show 2013 -March
Ottawa, ON Canada, www.ottawafarmshow.com
International Farm Show Toronto, ON February
5-7, 2013
booth 2716
32nd Annual Guelph Organic Conference Guelph,
ON February. 2-3, 2013
Canadian Waste & Recycling
Nov. 14 & 15, 2012,
Outdoor Farm Show 2012 -Global Repair Composting Demo
Sept 11,12 & 13,
you to all who attended the demo of our new Sittler 512 in action.
Woodstock ON Canada,
Fruit & Veg Tech Exchange Demo, July 12-14 was cancelled due to
an unexpected demand of model 509.
OCE, Toronto, ON, May 14-15 2012
International Farm Show Toronto, ON February
7-9, 2012
see us at booth 2716
31st Annual Guelph Organic Conference Guelph,
ON January 28-29, 2012
Canadian Western Agribition Regina, SK November 21-26,
Outdoor Farm Show 2011,
Thanks to all
who attended and contributed to another successful show.
Global Repair Composting Demo 10:30 and 2:30.
Woodstock ON Canada, Where Farmers Meet,
September 13, 14 & 15, 2011,
30th Annual Guelph Organic Conference Guelph, ON
January 29-30, 2011
International Farm Show Toronto, ON February
8-10, 2011
Canadian Waste and Recycling Expo
Outdoor Farm Show 2010, Thanks to all who attended our windrow
turning demo and visited our site.
Woodstock ON Canada, Where Farmers Meet, SEPTEMBER
14, 15, 16, 2010,
Post Globe 2010
business.. Solutions for the world' . Global Repair was pleased to attend a
successful Post Globe 2010. We were inspired by the speakers and panel
members. The event creates an opportunity for companies to share
environmental ideas and to coordinate with interested parties. We appreciate
the positive vision of Ontario's environmental sector presented by the
Hon.John Gerretsen, Minister of the Environment. Thank you to all who were
able to visit our display. It is always a pleasure to share information. We
look forward to many new discussions and opportunities.

Hazel Picks a Winner
Always willing to lend a
helping hand, Mayor Hazel McCallion, also known as "Hurricane
Hazel" for her no nonsense politics and Mayor of Mississauga since
1978, shown left with Valerie Moen, Marketing Director, picks the winner
of the Global Repair Free Draw at the Canadian International Farm
Equipment Show 2009. Thank you Hazel. We wish you many more years of
health and success.
Canadian Western Agribition Regina, SK November 23-28, 2009
29th Annual Guelph Organic Conference Guelph, ON
January 28-31, 2010
International Farm Show Toronto, ON February 17-19, 2010
Outdoor Farm Show 09, Thank you to all who attended and
contributed to another wonderful, successful show. Come visit us next
year. Watch our website for updates and visit COFS website below for
additional data. Woodstock ON Canada, Where Farmers Meet, SEPTEMBER
15, 16, 17, 2009, www.outdoorfarmshow.com
International Farm Equipment Show February 3-5, 2009
Centre, 6900 Airport Road, Toronto, ON
28th University
of Guelph International Organic Conference January 24-25,
co-sponsors and exhibitors at Guelph Organic Conference University of
www.guelphorganicconf.ca, 519-824-4120
Thanks to all who attended.
Regina, SK November 24 29, 2008
Thank you to all who attended.
Canada's Outdoor Farm Show
Thanks to all who visited Global Repair's 6th annual compost
windrow turning demo at Canadas
Outdoor Farm Show, Sept 9,10 and 11, 2008. It
was a pleasure seeing all of our old friends and meeting new ones during
our Compost Windrow Turning Demo. For more information to find out how you can save on input cost,
increase your quality and yields contact sales@globalrepair.ca
. You've got questions and we've got
answers. For more
info re next years demo visit
www.outdoorfarmshow.com .
Soil Foodweb: Optimizing the Life in Your Soil
Dr. Jason Hofman, President & Lab Director, Soil Foodweb Canada East Ltd.
When: Jan 24, 2008
Location: Guelph ON
Contact Soil Foodweb Canada East
for more details @
1-877-333-5696 or email info@sfce.ca ,
If you farm, manage an orchard or vineyard, run a nursery, or manage turf, you can fine-tune the ecosystem in your soil to optimize it for whatever you are growing. This fine-tuning, in combination with other good soil management practices, can greatly decrease disease and pest pressure, increase sustainable yields, and optimize crop quality -- Discover how utilizing nature can reduce your input costs.
Jason Hofman, Ph.D:, President and Lab Director
Dr. Hofman was originally trained as a plant physiologist and biochemist with a focus on
enzymology. He has a strong background in preparative biochemistry related to enzyme purification and all methods used in recombinant DNA research. Dr. Hofman became interested in composting while working at Dalhousie University in the early 1990s. Since that time he has managed a composting plant, acted as a consultant on composting matters to many different clients, and carried out composting training programs in Nova Scotia and the Caribbean. Dr. Hofman trained with Dr. Ingham in Oregon in 2005 and is a fully qualified soil foodweb scientist.
Foodweb Canada East Ltd. is Open for Testing and Consultation
What are your microbes doing for you? Have your soil or compost
tested at Soil Foodweb Canada www.sfce.ca
Are you a current client of Global Repair? Ask about our discount
plan with Soil Foodweb and save on testing?
Annual 27th Guelph Organic Agriculture Conference
Jan 26 & 27 Trade Show,
Booth 74
International Farm Equipment Show
Feb 5 7 www.torontofarmshow.com
Booth 2722
Day Cornwall Feb 23
Managing Productivity
with Soil Biology
A Soil Foodweb Canada East
Introductory Workshop
Guest Speaker: Dr. Jason Hofman, President & Lab Director, Soil Foodweb Canada East Ltd.
When: Dec. 6, 2007
Location: The Lions Hall, 40 South Street West, Elmira, ON
Thanks to all who attended
and contributed to a successful event.
Soil Foodweb Canada East @ 1-877-333-5696 or email
info@sfce.ca , ww.sfce.ca
Canada's Outdoor Farm Show
Thanks to all who attended Global Repair's 5th annual compost demo at Canadas
Outdoor Farm Show, Sept 11, 12 & 13, 2007..
It was a pleasure seeing all of our friends and meeting new ones during
our Compost Windrow Turning Demo. For more information to find out how you can save on input cost,
increase your quality and yields contact sales@globalrepair.ca
. You've got questions and we've got
answers. For more
info re next years demo visit
www.outdoorfarmshow.com or call or email us for a free DVD demo.
International Farm Equipment Show,
International Farm Equipment Show
February 6-8, 2007
Centre, 6900 Airport Road, Toronto, ON
Organic Agriculture Conference, Jan 27-29/06
co-sponsors and exhibitors at Guelph Organic Conference January 27
& 28, 2007, University of Guelph,
www.guelphorganicconf.ca, 519-824-4120
Canada's Outdoor Farm Show
Thanks to all who came to visit us at Canadas
Outdoor Farm Show, Sept 12, 13 & 14, 2006..
We look forward to next year when we plan to have another Windrow Turner in action. Find out how you can save on input cost,
increase your quality and yields. You've got questions and we've got
answers. For more
info visit
www.outdoorfarmshow.com or call or email us for a free DVD demo.
Windrow Turning Demo, Find Out What You Need to Know About Making
Good Compost
Thanks to Lorne Jameson, Ignatius
Center, Swanston Farm Equipment Rockwood ON, Organic Meadows and all who
contributed to this successful event. Ignatius Farm Aug 10 & 16th at
2:00pm. Admission is free. Call or email for more details. see
Secrets of Soil Life,
Elaine Ingham,
Soil Foodweb Inc.
President, Board of Directors, Sustainable Studies Institute
4, 2006, The Lions
Hall,40 South Street West, Elmira, ON
Co Sponsored by the Composting Council of Canada
International Farm Equipment Show, Feb 7-9/06
Organic Agriculture Conference, Jan 27-29/06
University of Guelph, www.guelporganicconf.ca,
Ontario, Jan 10-12/06
Toronto Congress Center, 650
Dixon Rd. Toronto, Ontario, 416-245-5000
Western Agribition
largest agricultural show and marketplace in Canada
Nov. 21-26/05, Regina, Saskatchewan. Thanks
to all who attended our booth and draw and to all who made this show a
great success.
Quality Workshop
how SOIL LIFE can lower the cost of production.
to Dr. George W. Bird, Professor,
State University who spoke to a crowd of over 140 interested
attendees on December 15, 2005
Canada's Outdoor Farm Show
Thanks to all who came to visit us at Canadas
Outdoor Farm Show, Sept 13, 14 & 15/05..
We look forward to our show next year. For more
info visit
Restoring Your Soil
Guest Speaker: Larry Breech, Compost Research Coordinator Consultant
Special Guest Speaker: Ted Leischner, Soil Foodweb Canada Ltd
When: Friday, Aug 5, 2005
Location: Sandford/Uxbridge Community Centre, ON
Time: Seminar 9:30 am 4:00 pm
Cost: $75.00 per person, includes lunch & refreshments
Please confirm attendance
Contact: Global Repair
33 Bellefair Ave., Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M4L 3T7
or call: 1-866-271-0719, 1-416-686-3690, fax: 1-416-686-1744
What are your soil microbes doing for you?
Ted Leischner, President, Lab Director & Soil
Foodweb Certified Advisor
Soil Foodweb Canada Ltd, Soil Foodweb Canada
Ltd, will be available for private consultation. To arrange to send a
compost/soil sample prior to the seminar and or to book an appointment
with Ted, please contact Global Repair Ltd.
Canadas International
Horticultural Lawn and Garden Trade Show and Conference,
January 11-13 Toronto
Congress Centre, 650 Dixon Road, Toronto, ON Booth 375 in Aisle 300
Organic Conference
Jan 21-23/05. We attended the Guelph International Organic Conference at
University of Guelph. The show was a great success. Thank you to all who
attended especially those who visited our booth.
Canadian International Farm
Equipment Show,
February 8 - 11 International Centre, Toronto, ON
www.torontofarmshow.com Booth 2722, Hall 2 right by the entrance to
Hall 3.
Canada's Outdoor
Farm Show 04
Our Windrow Turning demo was a success again at Canadian Outdoor Farm Show
in Woodstock . A Sittler Compost Turner was in action daily at 10:30
am and 2:30 pm. We would like to thank all those who attended
and contributed this year. For more information on the Canadian
Outdoor Farm Show please visit www.outdoorfarmshow.com or call 1-800-563-5441 or
Equipment Show
Feb 3-6/04 We attended the Farm Equipment Show at the International
Centre outside of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Despite weather conditions
with snow and freezing rain on opening day the event was a great
success. Thank you to all who visited our booth.
A Practical Approach to Nutrient Recovery
On Jan. 22, 2004,
Special Guest Speaker Larry Breech, Compost Research Coordinator & Consultant
gave a captivating seminar at the University of Guelph Arboretum, Ontario, Canada.
Compost enthusiasts weathered a vicious winter storm to partake in the
event. Guests partook in an organic lunch. The event lasted from 10 am
to 4:30 with an additional evening boardroom discussion for those
already engaged in composting operations. We were honored to have
Lambert Otten, Dean of Engineering of University of Guelph share some
information regarding a compost project in Cuba. Thank you to all who
made this a successful event.
Compost Basics
On Jan. 26, 2004,
Special Guest Speaker Larry Breech, Compost Research Coordinator & Consultant
presented a Compost Basics seminar at Stearns History Museum, 235 S 33rd Ave, St Cloud, MN, USA.
September 9, 10 & 11 2003
were invited by OMAFRA (Ministry of Agriculture) to be a part of
their Innovations in Manure Technology tent at the Canadian Outdoor Farm Show
in Woodstock again this year. A demo with Sittler Composting equipment was on display for
windrow turning demonstrations each day. Both last year and this year were a great success
and we look forward to seeing you again next year. For more information on the Canadian
Outdoor Farm Show please visit www.outdoorfarmshow.com or call 1-800-563-5441 or
International Plowing Match - Carlton Place, On. We were demonstrating Sittler
Windrow Turners as a part of Machines in Motion. The show is an annual event and
traditionally draws around 200,000 people. For more information on the show, call
ABC Monitoring Forms:
We have created ABC monitoring forms to assist in composting and to collect more data.

Larry Breech examining some compost.
Who Is Larry Breech?
Membership Coordinator for the
Pennsylvania Farmers Union.
Represented National Farmers
Union on the Grazing and Grasslands Coalition.
Chapter President, State Executive
Board Director, Chairman of the Environmental Committee, Chairman of the Policy Committee,
Vice President of the Family Farm Foundation, Vice President of PFU Members Service
Corporation, and State Vice President of PFU.
Represented PFU on the National Policy
Committee. Policy was developed and adopted at both the state and national level
supporting composting as a best management practice and to be included as part of a
conservation plan eligible for cost sharing.
Helped initiate an EPA 319 Clean Water
Grant in cooperation with the Natural Resource & Conservation Service, (formerly the
Soil Conservation Service of USDA) the Pocono RC&D (an 11-county coalition of
conservation districts) and Bloomsburg University. The multi-year projects focus was
on how to eliminate non-point pollution via an activated biological process. (Composting
done right). It was the first project of its kind and proved the economic and
environmental value of good compost in a commercial scale agronomic production
Consulted with Michigan State about a
like-minded project done at Lansing. Had the opportunity to present the results and experiences of work as a
featured speaker at the University of Guelph-National Organic Conference, and USDA-ARS at
Kearneysville, WV.
Presented at Kitchener/Waterloo, ON,
Moose Jaw, SK and Prince Albert, SK, sponsored by the regional organic growers and the
Waste Reduction Council of Saskatchewan.
Hosted numerous field days and seminars
in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Ohio, including ones to USDA, SARE, and EPA officials.
Served a term as Vice Chairman and a
term as Chairman of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources Ag. Advisory
Board. Responsibilities included reviewing all regulations that pertained to agriculture
in PA as well as advising on any new or proposed changes.
Served on the steering committee to
form the Pennsylvania Association of Sustainable Agriculture and two years on the
convention committee.
Served two years on the Pennsylvania
Composting Associations Technology and Standards Committees.
Penn State University 1972 graduate and
the Pennsylvania Rural Leadership Program (RULE VI) of 1997.
Farms 250 acres of grain and raises
sheep in the hills of Central Pennsylvania
President to the Pennsylvania Farmers
Union and a member of the National Farmers Unions Board of Directors, Currently serving as
Vice Chairman of the National Membership Committee.
President of the Pennsylvania Family
Farm Foundation, A non-profit organization dedicated to promoting
scientific research, economic development and educational outreach.
serving on
the Chesapeake Bay Ag Advisory Committee, The Susquehanna River
Basin Advisory and the Grazing and Grassland Conservation Initiative
and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Ag
Advisory Board.
Member the
Pennsylvania Dog Law Advisory to advise the Department of
Agriculture on changes in dog regulations and laws.
Serves on
the board of education for Millville, Columbia-Montour Vocational
and Technical School and the Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit,
providing educational service to special needs students and the
adult community. I am also serving on the Susquehanna Educational
Foundation, to provide assistance via channeling funding from the
community and business interests to less fortunate residents to
assist in their educational self-improvement.
Serves on
the sustainable forestry initiative called WoodWorks. This project
was created to encourage and provide outreach services to the
general woodlot owning public on how to manage their woodlots to
maximize their social, environmental, recreational, and economic
Serves on
the biofuels advisory to the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture.
Global Repair
Sittler manufacturing has been designing and building
machinery for over 35 years. Quality, affordable craftsmanship with innovative design.
equipment, compost windrow turner, compost feedlot manure , compost dairy
manure, compost broiler manure, compost layer manure, manure handling,
compost animal waste, compost bio solids, organic waste recycling,
bio-remediation, landfill diversion, compost crop residuals, Global Repair
compost turner,
Sittler, Global Repair, Global-Repair, global repair
To order, or
for more information please email: sales@globalrepair.ca,
or call 1-866-271-0719, 1-416-686-3690,
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Copyright © 1996-2025 Global Repair LTD,
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equipment, Global Repair compost turner,
Global Repair compost
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compost spreader,
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compost bagger,
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