Global Repair

Global Repair Compost Equipment
by Sittler

Global Repair

Global Repair Farming with Natural Minerals
Global Repair compost equipment update March 28/2025



1014 Turner

512 Turner

509 Turner

507 Turner

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Grains respond well to Global Repair compost and mineral applications.

Adding Global Repair compost encourages and provides microbiology, which is necessary for natural farming.

By combining waste streams, with the appropriate recipe or formula we can substantially reduce or eliminate input costs. Restore microbiology and promote sustainability.

Tomatoes and other heavy feeders find the nitrogen they require during peak performance when quality compost is used. Predatory microbes consume bacteria that feed off organic waste releasing natural forms of N allowing N to be available when required by the plant while reducing the need for inputs.

These Global Repair tomatoes tasted as good as they looked. They were sweet and consistently thick and juicy.We use Rich Valley TM and Global Repair compost with consistent results .Learn More

Winter wheat responds extremely well to Global Repair compost applications.

We’ve had great success with corn. One grower reported  6-12 ft stalks,  with double cobbing for 30% of the field, on clay soil, with no other additives other than his compost. The quality of your compost will depend on formulation and management.

Contact Global Repair
1-866-271-0719, 1-416-686-3690

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Compost equipment,  compost windrow turner, compost feedlot manure , compost  dairy manure, compost  broiler manure, compost layer manure, compost manure, compost animal waste, compost bio solids, organic waste recycling, bio-remediation, landfill diversion, compost crop residuals, Global Repair compost turner, Global Repair compost screener, Global Repair inoculating  water wagon, global Repair bagger, global Repair Spreader, Sittler, Global Repair, Global-Repair, ABC compost

To order, or for more information please email:, or call 1-866-271-0719, 1-416-686-3690,

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Global Repair Compost equipment,  Global Repair compost turner, Global Repair compost screener, Global Repair compost spreader, Global Repair compost bagger, Global Repair compost water wagon, global-repair, globalrepair