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Global Repair compost equipment update March 28/2025

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Global Repair CRF, Compost Rock FlourTM,
Global Repair Compost Inoculation Accelerator Compliant with the Canadian Organic Standard. ECO-CERT Approved.

Global-Repair CRF and Global-Repair Compost turner 1014 fit on a flatbed saves on shipping cost.

Global-Repair CRF/ Compost Rock Flour TM  is a natural unique specially formulated compost additive that provides a wide array of micronutrients and trace elements. These nutrients feed microorganisms in compost accelerating the breakdown process of organic matter.

1 To add Global-Repair CRF/ Compost Rock Flour TM to a compost windrow use a front end loader.

2 Scoop the Global-Repair CRF/ Compost Rock Flour TM  with the loader bucket. Position the loader appropriately. Tilt the bucket and distribute the CRF on the sides of the windrow. Then turn the compost with your Global Repair compost turner by Sittler.

3 Fine mesh particles in the Global-Repair CRF/ Compost Rock Flour TM  coat many surfaces of organic matter with trace minerals that feed microbes and enhance the rapid breakdown or organic matter.

Global-Repair CRF/ Compost Rock Flour TM helps lock up free nitrogen and reduce odours. Nitrogen is naturally released through microbial processes when your plants need it.

4 Use Global-Repair CRF/ Compost Rock Flour TM  as a compost additive to help prevent leaching and runoff when using wet compost ingredients or when experiencing intense precipitation.

Calculate how much Global-Repair CRF/ Compost Rock Flour TM  you will need with the Global Repair Compost Manager App when creating your compost recipe.

Global-Repair CRF/ Compost Rock Flour TM   is easy to use. Add to pile in layers as manure accumulates. Or apply as shown in the video when making your compost windrows with your Global-Repair compost turner. Add 1-3 % of Global-Repair CRF/ Compost Rock Flour TM  by volume, i.e., 100 cubic yards of compost requires 1 ton Global-Repair CRF/ Compost Rock Flour TM.

 How to Add Global-Repair CRF / Compost Rock Flour TM to a compost windrow.

Global-Repair CRF and Global-Repair Compost turner loaded on flatbed shown above.

Global Repair Greenstart TM,
Global Repair Soil Amendment for Vegetation,  Compliant
with the Canadian Organic Standard,  ECO-CERT Approved.

Multi purpose Nutrient Mineral Conditioner for Forages, Lawns, Trees, Bushes, Hedges and Shrubs.

Feeds and thickens roots, stimulating early plant growth, strengthening stem structures, leaf growth and plant immunity. It has natural ingredients that are safe for people, pets and the environment. Softens up compacted soil, creating ideal soil conditions for planting and weeding. Helps retain moisture in plants and the soil, improving drought resistance. Detoxifies salt damage and other chemical residuals in contaminated soil stabilizing pH levels. Contains paramagnetic basalt and sedimentary minerals, with over 40 micro nutrients including calcium, iron, potassium, and humates. Absorbs odours and enhances breakdown in soil.

Apply any time, Spring to Fall. Easy to use. Suggest 20 kg per 1,000 sq. ft. For trees 5-10 kg per tree, as an additive to potting soil 1-20 ratio. Available in totes or bagged minimum 1-4 ton order. 

lobal Repair Rich Valley TM
Global Repair Soil Amendment for Flowers and Fruit,  Compliant
with the Canadian Organic Standard,  ECO-CERT Approved.

Multi purpose Deluxe Full Spectrum Natural Nutrient Conditioner for all types of Crops, Flowers, Roses, Vegetables, Fruit, Herbs, and Vines.

Global Repair Rich Valley promotes strong root and stem structures, healthy leaf growth, luxurious flowering and fruiting responses. Enhances brilliant colours & fragrance, sweet fruit & vegetables. Helps retain moisture in plants and the soil, improving drought resistance. Softens up compacted soil, creating ideal soil conditions for planting and weeding. Contains paramagnetic basalt, sedimentary minerals, calcium, rock phosphate and humates, with over 40 micro nutrients. Detoxifies salt damage and other chemical residuals in contaminated soil stabilizing pH levels. Absorbs odours and enhances breakdown in soil. Available in bags, totes or Bulk

Apply any time, Spring to Fall, Suggest 20 KG per 1,000 sq. ft. For fruit trees 5-10 KG per tree, as an additive to potting soil 1-20 ratio. Available in Bags, Totes and Bulk. Lawns and Garden Soil Amendments

Global Repair Blacksand TM
Basalt, Highly paramagnetic, Available in Bulk. Call or email for quote.

Global Repair Compost , ABCTM / Advanced Biological Compost

Global Repair compost contains rich diversity of micro organisms with balanced ratios conducive for most crop production.

Global Repair ABC
TM compost builds biomass, help lock up toxins, heavy metals, acid rain, pesticide residue in soil rendering them unavailable to the plants. Used successfully for soil remediation and all types of plant growth. The high humus content retains moisture and nutrients slowly releasing them, reducing irrigation or watering needs. Helps to ensure that the moisture is there when the plants require it.

Apply any time, Spring to Fall, 200 LB to 2+ ton per acre, or 20-40 KG per 1,000 sq. Ft. For orchards 5-10 KG per tree, as a base for potting soil 1:3 ratio. Great for compost extracts or teas. Available in 20 kg bags, totes, truckloads. Orders for large quantities must be scheduled pre season.

Contact Global Repair
1-866-271-0719, 1-416-686-3690

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